Samsung 6-series TV – how to rearrange the channel list manually

I show you how you can change the channel order on a Samsung 6-series TV. Many users are frustrated about their Samsung TV, as it is complicated to rearrange the channels manually. There is a possibility to use a channel editor on a USB-stick – but I will show you how to do without it.

Please consider: I´m German and I have only translated the menu descriptions from my TV into English language. So maybe if I say: “EDIT CHANNEL” you will find “CHANNEL EDITOR” on your screen instead.

Rearrange the channel order manually

Go to the channel, that you want to rearrange and do the following:

  1. Press the “MENU” button on your remote
  2. Go 2 steps down with the arrow-button (to the satellite antenna)
  3. Go 1 step to the right with the arrow-button
  4. Now go 5 steps down with the arrow-button to the “CHANNEL MANAGER” and press ENTER
  5. Now you should see a list of your channels and their numbers on the right part of your screen
  6. Press the “TOOLS”-button on your remote
  7. A small window opens up where you see options like: “LOCK CHANNEL” or “TIMER SETTINGS” etc.
  8. Go 4 steps down to with the arrow-button to “EDIT CHANNEL NUMBER” and press ENTER
  9. Now you can move the channel with the arrow-buttons UP/DOWN

10.  Choose the place, where you want to have your channel and press ENTER

11.  The new channel number will be saved now.

See also this how-to-video:

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